- Learning Academy
- Edu 4 Me
- Elite Membership Program
- Certified Trainer
- Edu Me Free
- International Certificate of Banking Services
- The Egyptian Initiative for Mastering Computer Skills
- BSkills
- Professional Trainers Academy
- Upgrade for You
- Air Hospitality and Aviation Services Program
- International Scholarship for English Language Proficiency
- Industrial Training in Cooperation
Masr Online

The idea of the initiative is for the trainee to study “Windows, Office and the Internet” in one of the approved training centers in the governorates, and then learn and study 13 online courses, these give him the skills to deal professionally with technology and professional use of the Internet, such as designing websites, buying and selling using credit cards, and e-government services
- Budget $7K
- Revenue $111K
- Trainees 5K
- Tests 5K